TrangLanguage - Vietnamese language tutor


Is Continuing Vietnamese suitable for all intermediate learners?

On the back cover of Continuing Vietnamese, it says: “specifically designed for intermediate learners who wish to achieve full fluency of the language”. Now, this seems interesting since the writer is mentioning 2 key points here: “for intermediate learners” and “to achieve full fluency”. Therefore, as I understand, this book covers multiple levels: It will help learners from intermediate Vietnamese to advanced language and finally to native-like.

Tiếng Việt 123 Books: Are They Good For Self-Study?

When you search for a Vietnamese textbook, Tiếng Việt 123 is one of the top results. You can find the hard copy on Vietnamese e-commerce sites such as Tiki or Fahasa (if it’s not sold out yet). As for the digital version, one can easily see it being sold on Amazon.